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The Application of Fuzzy Theory on Evaluating PZB Service Quality of Tourism in Taiwan


服務品質管理近年來已為許多專家學者深入研究,其研究多為以問卷調查方式探討服務品質之衡量、影響因子、或行為結果,卻缺乏深入了解所採用之問卷調查量表是否因語意的主觀性造成了衡量數值的模糊。本研究導入模糊理論模式(Zimmermann, 1991),依據Parasuraman、Zeithaml和Berry(1985、1988)三位學者所提出之PZB五大服務品質概念,對於臺灣地區三家知名旅行社(簡稱L、F、C)進行顧客服務品質滿意度之實例評量比較,藉由模糊理論的導入,避免因語意的不明確所產生的評量缺失,提供業者或顧客以更精確的角度進行服務品質評量或未來改善服務品質之依據。本研究先以前測專家問卷建立以PZB五大服務品質為基礎之評估準則後,再以顧客問卷進行三家旅行社PZB五大服務品質滿意度之調查,顧客調查研究結果顯示,經以模糊理論模式針對三家知名旅行社進行服務品質滿意度計算比較發現,C旅行社之五大服務品質及綜合整體服務品質皆優於F旅行社與L旅行社。本研究導入之模糊理論概念,不僅解決服務品質衡量的缺陷與困難,並有效建立一個可運用於旅遊業最佳服務品質遴選之評量模式,可作為旅行業者改善服務品質之參考依據,或顧客遴選旅行社之憑藉,並提供未來研究之方向。


Service quality management has been studied by numerous researchers on exploring the measurements, antecedents, and consequent results of service quality by applying of survey methods, yet they neglect the fuzzy problem caused by the vagueness of questionnaires designed. To avoid the drawback of vagueness derived by survey methods and to provide tourist agencies or customers with accurate measurements of service quality, this study attempted to evaluate the service quality performance of three famous tourist agencies in Taiwan (called as L, F, and C) by an application of the fuzzy theory (Zimmermann, 1991) on measuring the five service quality dimensions proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry (1985, 1988). For the research purpose, this study first conducted a pilot expert survey to set the criteria of evaluation based on the PZB five service quality dimensions, and then executed a customer survey to examine the service quality performance of the three tourist agencies. The results of customer survey found that the service quality performance of C agency is greatly higher than the two agencies of F and L. This study introduced an inside vision of implementing the fuzzy theory on tourism service quality measurement, not only solve the problem of vagueness but also build a evaluation model used for selecting the best quality tourist agency. The research suggestions and conclusion were given for the tourism, customers and future studies.


