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A study of affecting traveler tourism satisfaction:A case of Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area


觀光休閒的發展是國際化趨勢並可增益財政收入,已是各級政府施政核心之一,本研究以遊客至東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區為研究對象,旨在探討東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區遊客旅遊決策、旅遊行為、休閒活動與旅遊滿意度之關連性,本研究目的為:1、探討遊客的旅遊決策;2、探討遊客的遊憩行為;3、探討遊客至東北角風景區的休閒活動類型;4、影響遊客旅遊滿意度的因素。研究方法採問卷調查便利抽樣方式施測,預計抽樣766 份問卷,施測時間為106 年2~3 月,以SPSS 20.0統計軟體進行描述性統計及信、效度分析、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等。研究結果發現:1、遊客自行規劃旅遊行程,且與親朋好友一同開車前往的比例高;2、東北角風景區地處北部,離台北市近,以一天來回旅遊為主;3、東北角風景區因地質環境特殊,以觀賞海岸地質景觀、溼地生態等休閒活動為主;4、服務人員之服務態度、旅遊資訊服務、景點設施等,對旅遊滿意度未達顯著差異,表示遊客前往東北角風景區,對服務態度、旅遊資訊、設施等並不特別在意。


The development in tourism and recreation is the current trend worldwide including expanding the economic scope. It is also the one of the core politic strategy of governments at all levels. This study aims to explore the tourists in Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area. The purposes of the study are 1.to explore the decision-making of tourists; 2, to explore the tourists behavior towards recreation, 3, to explore the tourists leisure activities in visiting this particular area; 4, the factors that affect the tourist satisfaction. By using 766 questionnaires survy sampled in 106 years from 2 to 3 months, the SPSS 20.0 statistical software were used for descriptive statistics and reliability, validity analysis, single factor variance analysis and regression analysis. The results show that: (1) the high proportion in self-planned tour with friends and family. (2) one day trip are mainly for most participants due to the scenic area closed to Taipei city. (3) Main leisure acticies focus on geology appreciation and wetland. (4) The insignificant differences found out that the service staffs' attitude, travel information and the facilities are not the factors affect the tourists' satisfaction.
