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The study of sensory evaluation applied pineapple cake taste


鳳梨酥是台灣人具有特色的點心之一,各種新口味的開發應是食品業者關注的重點,以達到創新風味吸引更多消費者的效果,關於各項口味是否確實滿足消費者需求,必須以實證的方式進行檢驗。本研究之目的以鳳梨酥開發新口味,分別鳳梨酥原味、添加玫瑰花瓣、添加藍莓乾三種風味,研究設計採實驗法及消費者感官品評法進行消費者感官品評,分析消費者創新產品的接受度,以供相關食品業者開發該類產品之參考。感官品評以Gooogle問卷調查單便利抽樣方式進行消費者感官品評,於新莊國中及桃園焙趣坊烘焙教室發放試吃產品,以QR Code掃瞄方式填寫問卷,依此取得社會不特定對象進行填寫感官品評問卷調查,本卷發出的問卷149份,共回收問卷149份,有效問卷149份,有效問卷回收率100%。研究結果顯示:(1)三種產品的接受度不受受試者背景(性別、年齡、職業)的影響,均在「能接受」到「非常接受」的程度。(2)綜合整體表現,以鳳梨酥原味及添加藍莓乾兩種風味鳳梨酥最受消費者歡迎。


鳳梨酥 玫瑰花瓣 藍莓乾 創新 感官品評


The purpose of this study is to develop new flavors of pineapple cake, respectively, the original flavor of pineapple cake, add rose petals, add blueberry dry three flavors, study design mining experiment method and consumer sensory evaluation method for consumer sensory evaluation, analyze the acceptance of consumer innovation products. For the relevant food industries develop such products. The sensory evaluation was conducted by the Google questionnaire, and the sensory evaluation of the consumer was conducted. The test products were distributed in the XinzhuangGuozhong and Taoyuan Bakery Workshop, and the questionnaire was filled in with the QR Code scanning method. Fill in the sensory evaluation questionnaire survey, 149 questionnaires issued in this volume, a total of 149 questionnaires were collected, 149 valid questionnaires, and the effective questionnaire recovery rate was 100%. The results of the study showed that: (1) the acceptance of the three products was not affected by the background of the subjects (gender, age, occupation), and was all "acceptable" to "very acceptable". (2) Comprehensive overall performance, the pineapple cake flavor and the addition of blueberry dried two flavors of pineapple cake are most popular with consumers.
