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The transformation opportunity of tourist night market in the post-epidemic era


台灣的夜市文化舉世聞名,也讓台灣觀光與夜市幾乎畫上等號,然而近來因為受到COVID-19疫情的影響,加上最近幾年夜市過度成立以及彼此間的差異性過小,而造成民眾對於逛夜市的意願大幅降低。當夜市在台灣人心目中的地位減少的同時,本研究更好奇的是夜市要如何突破目前的困境,以及如何化經營危機為轉機,消費者對於夜市未來的發展與期待又是如何呢?故本研究是以體驗行銷作為理論架構,探討消費者對於夜市未來發展型態的看法,並且以台灣有逛過夜市的消費者為研究對象,透過層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)設計出未來夜市經營吸引消費者的關鍵因素;接著利用(Importance-Performance Analysis,IPA)來探討夜市業者執行體驗行銷策略應加強改善的重點。本研究根據台灣夜市的特性,建構出一套目前觀光夜市未來可以改善及執行的行銷模式。


夜市 體驗行銷 專案管理 AHP IPA


Taiwan's night market culture is world-renowned, making Taiwan tourism and night markets almost equal. However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic along with the over-establishment of night markets in recent years which make the small differences between them, the willingness of visitors to go to night markets has decreased significantly. While the status of night markets is decreasing in the minds of Taiwanese people, this study is more curious about how night markets can break through the current difficulties and how to turn business crises into opportunities, and what consumers expect from the future development of night markets. This study uses experiential marketing as a theoretical framework to explore consumers' perceptions on the future development of night markets, and takes consumers who have visited night markets in Taiwan as the research target to design the key factors to attract consumers in the future night market operation through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). In addition, we used Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to explore the key areas of improvement for night marketers to implement experiential marketing strategies.


night market experience marketing project management AHP IPA


