  • 期刊


The Impact of COVID-19 on Sport Event Image and Participation




Introduction: Discuss the impact of the COVID-19 three-level alert on thesport event image and sport event participation in the online reviews of sport event. Method: Use intentional sampling to conduct an online questionnaire survey. The investigation time was based on the three-level alert. Three data samples were made before, after and the overall value of the epidemic. The subjects were asked to fill in the online reviews on the sport event image and the sport event participation in the event. Elementary exploration of factor structure. Descriptive statistics were conducted on the social and economic background of the people, the behavior of using online comments, and various variables. Each variable was verified using structural equation models and path analysis. After excluding invalid questionnaires, a total of 733 valid questionnaires were obtained. Result: Looking at the three data samples, online reviews, the sport event image, and the sport event participation in the event are all have good performance in structural mode, and path analysis; the sport event image has an intermediary effect on online reviews and sport event participation. Conclusion: Internet comments not only had a direct impact on the sport event participation and the sport event image, but also increase the sport event participation in the event due to the improvement of the sport event image. On the other hand, COVID-19 will cause the public's perception of the sport event image, which in turn will affect the sport event participation in the event. There have been many research results in the promotion of various economic effects of sports events. However, in the face of the epidemic situation, the organizers and the public need to think about and understand each other, and jointly fight the epidemic to usher in a comprehensive new life.


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