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  • OpenAccess


The Impact and Transition of COVID-19 on the Career of Tour Guides




新冠肺炎 導遊 生涯 生涯轉換


From December, 2019, COVID-19 started to spread around the world. To stop the pandemic, the government closed the border, which caused a sharp decline of the visitors to Taiwan. The tour guides suddenly lost their jobs. This study aims to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the tour guides' career and their coping with it. This study adopts the qualitative research method, makes three tour guides aged from thirty to forty with six to eight years of experience the research targets, conducts the data collection through the in-depth interview, and analyzes and concludes the impact on their career. The research result indicates: Despite the feeling for unsteadiness, the interviewees love the independence and feel satisfied with the income from the job of a tour guide before the breakout of the pandemic. The pandemic results in the unemployment of the interviewees and the interruption of their tour guide career. Their life has been strongly impacted and changed. As the pandemic continues, the interviewees have to make career transition considering such elements as personal interest, talent, income, and family. In the interviewees' opinion, the assistance with the tour guides from the government is insufficient during the pandemic. The relief package and transitional training courses are unable to meet the interviewees' needs for finance and advanced learning. The results can be used as a reference for the career planning of tour guides and the strategy making of tourism industry and the government.


COVID-19 Tour Guide Career Career Transition
