  • 期刊


The Effect of Sitting Posture on Energy Expenditure between Balance Ball and General Chair


目的:本研究旨在探討坐式生活型態下,相同時間內一般座椅組與抗力球組之能量消耗是否產生差異。方法:以3名女性和3名男性為實驗受試者,實驗前皆填寫受試者同意書與身體健康調查表,並了解本實驗之流程。實驗前4小時禁止飲食,實驗開始安靜休息15分鐘,隨後進入靜坐一般座椅及抗力球各1小時之實驗,2種不同坐式型態實驗間隔一天。以相依樣本T檢定分析實驗期間之能量消耗(energy expenditure)、攝氧量(oxygen consumption, VO2)、心跳率(heart rate, HR)、換氣量(ventilation volume, VE)和呼吸交換率(respiratory exchange ratio, RER)是否顯著差異。結果:靜坐於一般座椅組與抗力球組1小時之HR、VE、RER皆無顯著差異,然而,靜坐於抗力球組1小時之VO2及能量消耗顯著高於一般座椅組。結論:靜坐1小時期間,抗力球組之能量消耗大於一般座椅組。


Purpose: This study analyzed energy expenditure on sitting with sedentariness between the general chair and the balance ball within an hour. Method: Before the experiment, three males and three females needed to fill in consent and physiological survey, and completely realized the experimental procedure. In the procedure, the participants were fasted for four hours and sat still for fifteen minutes, and then sat with sedentariness for one hour. Specially mentioned, in order to reduce the interference of physiology by the chairs, one participant had to sit these two kinds of chairs on two days. In this study, samples of energy expenditure, oxygen consumption, heart rate, ventilation volume, and respiratory exchange ratio were analyzed by t-test separately. Results: The results show that heart rates, ventilation volumes, and respiratory exchange ratios between general chair and balance ball were quite the same. Energy expenditure and oxygen consumption of sitting on the balance ball were higher than the general chair. Conclusion: The duration of experiment was designed for one hour. In the duration, energy expenditure of sitting on the balance ball was higher than the general chair.


鄒孟婷(2009)。靜態作息與肥胖-臺灣2002 年“國民健康促進知識、態度與行爲調查之研究。臺灣家庭醫學雜誌,19(2),113-127。
