  • 期刊


Dissimilarities among students of different exercise habit regarding physical education course selection motivation


本研究的目的旨在探討不同運動習慣學生對體育課程選修動機的差異,研究對象為選修銘傳大學大二及大三體育課程之551位學生,採便利取樣進行問卷調查,並以體育課程選修動機量表為研究工具,探究不同運動習慣之學生對體育課程選修動機的看法。以SPSS for Window 18.0統計套裝軟體為分析工具,依據研究目的採描述統計及單因子變異數分析等方式進行分析。研究結果發現:一、研究樣本學生僅有11.6%的學生有規律運動習慣,而在考量因素方面三個族群學生皆以健康適能因素為最優先考量,其次為教師課程,成就肯定則為最後考量因素。二、在不同運動習慣學生在健康適能、成就肯定、人際關係、教師課程、場地設備及整體量表之各構面皆達顯著差異,經事後比較發現,在各構面與整體量表方面,規律運動學生皆顯著優於偶爾運動及極少運動學生。體育課程選修的動機受到許多不同因素複雜的影響,對此結果,在未來規劃課程上可增加健康適能元素藉以提升參與學習的意願。


The main purpose of this study is to find out dissimilarities among students of different exercise habits regarding their physical education course selection motivations. 551 participants are recruited from Ming Chuan University enrolled in sophomore and junior physical education courses. Cross-sectional study is conducted via convenience sampling with its survey tool using physical education course selection motivation chart. Seeking students' opinions on physical education course selection motivation with different exercise habits. SPSS for Window 18.0 is used to analyze the collected data in accordance with descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. The research outcomes indicate: 1. Only 11.6% of the participants exercise regularly, however, all three groups consider healthy fitness as their top priority, which is followed by teacher performance, and achievement assurance. 2. When it comes to different exercise habits, significance appears in all five constructs, namely healthy fitness, achievement assurance, personal relationship, teacher performance, and facilities and equipment. Students with regular exercise habits are significantly better than those who exercise occasionally and rarely. Physical education course selection motivation is influenced by various reasons. It is suggested that adding up healthy fitness element might seem beneficial to boost students' participation and willingness to learn.


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