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The Study of Disaster System for Hai-Duan Township in Taitung County




A natural hazard may be defined as an interaction between a system of human resource management and an extreme natural phenomenon, and causing a major human hardship with significant material damage to buildings and/or loss of life. The island of Taiwan is an interaction between of tectonic structure and geosyncline, and plum rains and typhoons brought heavy rain. Furthermore, Increase of population, the social-economic changes and the rapid development of the zone of marginal environments, making resource management system to produce a negative impact. In this study, through the collection of disaster cases, used instability index to calculate mass wasting of sensitivity. Consequence, disasters weren't taking place high/very high sensitivity, because buildings, properties exposure in high sensitivity areas, coupled with over-Utilization. Therefore, this study emphasizes the disaster should not only focus sensitivity and trigger of the natural environment, but need to consider the hazard of extreme natural phenomena, exposure and vulnerability of residents. Finally, discuss interaction of the three, which is a concept of Disaster System.


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