  • 期刊


The Training Theory and Practical Application for Modern Volleyball Receiving Specific Training




In volleyball, the quality of serving-receiving affect the every offensive tactics, and also indirectly affect the every point of the team. In current volleyball games, the powerful serving is the primary type. Thus, the highly effective reception maneuvers should be used for it. In the process of preparing and receiving the ball, the receiver must face the incoming ball in various ways with the correct posture and a relaxed mood, so as to avoid the occurrence of excessive tension and rigid limbs. The reaction time and sports vision of the player are important factors that affect the receiving. With the advancement of time, the training load gradually accumulates for the athlete. After familiarizing with the motor skills, the capability will be improved to a certain level and systematic quantification lifting, resulting from a positive adaptation to training. For this reason, this article discusses the human reaction time, sports vision and receiving, and introduces the specific volleyball receiving training method, which can provide training reference for volleyball coaches.


Reaction Time Training Load Motor Skill Adaptation


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