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A Study on the Advertisements in the Kinmen Daily News from the Perspective of New Institutionalism: A Case Study of the Period from 1949 to 2022




The advertisements found in the newspaper Kinmen Daily News are closely related to and can be said to be an epitome and presentation of the development of Kinmen society. The advertisements themselves and their evolution over time reflect the societal context at each point in time. The changes in the environment are explored from the perspective of the political, economic, and social development of New Institutionalism by collecting the advertisements in the Kinmen Daily News and Zhengqi Zhonghua Newspaper over the past 50 years and categorizing the development in Kinmen into 4 periods, namely, the period of war (1949-1955), martial law period (1956-1991), post-martial law period (1992-2000), and Mini Three Links period (2001-2022). The findings on advertisements were identified by observing the overviews, contents, and expressions of advertisements, and it was found that the requirement for advertising was mainly to address rational claims, with emotional claims used as a supplement. Text expression at the early stages was mostly presented through idioms and characterized by the wartime writing style. In recent years, liberal and emotional contents in text are more popular. Images have changed from hand drawings to photographic images and from single images to a series of photos. The changes in the environment in these periods can be examined through these advertisements. First, advertisements in the war period were mainly for social services, and appeared in low volumes, mostly involving notices for missing people, lost objects, or notes of gratitude, with the purpose of serving the military and highlighting the search for family and social relations in troubled times. During the martial period, most advertisements were focused on (1) promoting local specialty industries (soda and monosodium glutamate), (2) pursuing a better life, and (3) movies and entertainment. During the post-martial period, business and social commercials were arising in large volumes, with the main characteristics being (1) a greater variety of advertised products, (2) the presentation of modern life, (3) an increase in housing and tourism advertisements, (4) the diversification of the forms of entertainment, and (5) the emergence of political advertisements. The advertisements in the Mini Three Links period were characterized by a large volume, in small spaces, and with a variety in their contents, mostly addressing industries related to cross-strait exchanges, foreign nursing care, estate agencies, personal health, and advertisements for election candidates. Comparative studies across geographic regions are recommended for future subsequent research, for example, the comparison between advertisements in Kinmen and Xiamen, Mainland China, Taiwan, and international advertisements, as well as a comparison between advertisements in Taiwan and in Mainland China.


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