  • 學位論文

1997–2003年台灣報紙廣告數量與 表現內容之研究 ─ 以自由時報為取樣對象

An Analysis of the Volume of Advertising and Advertising Presentation on Taiwan’s Newspaper During 1997–2003 ─ Using Liberty Times as an example

指導教授 : 林品章


台灣於20世紀末至跨世紀之際面臨了1996年首次民選總統及2000年首度政黨輪替,同時歷經921地震、SARS恐慌及風水旱災等不安定事件,另外,週休二日實施、電信民營化、數位網路發燒、台灣加入WTO與全球化風潮等,皆為台灣社會產生許多影響。面對如此劇烈衝擊,報紙廣告表現有何轉變乃成為本研究動機,因此選擇自由時報為對象,從中取得5439則廣告樣本,依照本研究所擬定之報紙商業廣告行業別分類方法進行統計,然後再探討1997-2003年社會變遷之下報紙商品「廣告量」的轉變與「廣告表現內容」的應用等議題進行分析與討論,而研究過程中所發現的現象與結果加以整理歸納如下: 1.報紙商品廣告量與表現內容的轉變與經濟發展、社會事件及法令規範的影響最大,而政治雖會影響經濟動向,然而在廣告表現上較無直接反應,此外,季節交替及節慶週末與廣告數量及表現內容亦擁有密切關聯性。 2.1997-2003年建築與交通類廣告數量始終居於第一、二位,通訊事務、金融服務與醫療保健類則分別排名各年度第三位,而廣告表現以交通、通訊事務與金融服務類廣告最為多元豐富。 3.在台灣社會與報紙商品廣告量與表現之關聯性的研究中發現:建築、交通、通訊事務、金融服務、個人用品與觀光旅遊類的「廣告量」與「表現內容」皆受到社會變遷影響而轉變。而通路服務、醫療保健與文教文康類僅有「廣告數量」受社會變遷影響,「表現內容」不變。食品、飲料菸酒與電器類則是「表現內容」受社會變遷影響,而「廣告數量」不變。最後,「廣告數量」 與「廣告表現」皆不受影響者為家庭用品、電腦資訊與網站類商品廣告。 4.1997-2003年台灣報紙商品廣告表現以產品導向為多,其次為情境與人物導向廣告,而在大環境低迷下,實質誘惑的促銷導向廣告逐漸增多。整體表現偏向人性柔和的感性面,並且在幾年來生活的苦悶下,廣告轉而輕鬆幽默化,此外,受到全球化影響,廣告表現上明顯可以感受到異國情調的氛圍。


People in Taiwan experienced a lot of events at the end of the 20th Century to the new century, such as the first-ever popularly elected president in 1996, the first-time political party substitution in 2000, the 921 earthquake, SARS and various calamities caused by typhoons, drought, floods; moreover, the events of bringing five working days per week into force, the privatization of Taiwan’s telecommunication industry, the prevalence of digital media network, Taiwan's WTO accession and a wave of globalization, etc. Those happenings have made a great impact on the Taiwanese society. Therefore, the motive of the study is to find out the change in advertising presentation on Taiwan’s newspaper under such an impact. The study takes the Liberty Times as the subject and compiles statistics on 5439 advertising sampling according to commercial advertisement on newspaper in various industry categories to research into the change of “advertising volume” and the applications of “advertising presentation and content” on newspaper under the social change during the period from 1997 to 2003. The findings and results of the study are concluded as follows: (1) The changes in economic development, social events and laws and regulations have the greatest impact on advertising volume and advertising presentation on newspaper; whereas the political affairs, impacting our economic, has no direct impact on advertising presentation. In addition, season alternation, festivals and public holidays have closer relation with advertising volume and advertising presentation on newspaper. (2) The first and second ranks of advertising volumes during the years from 1997 to 2003 were construction and vehicles; communication, financing services and medical treatment and health care respectively ranked the third during the years. In addition, the most diversified advertising presentation came from vehicles, communication and financing services. (3) The research of the study on the relation between the Taiwanese society and the advertising volume and presentation of commercial products on the newspaper concludes that the “advertising volume” and the “advertising presentation” of commercial products in the categories of construction, vehicles, communication, financing services, personal goods and sightseeing and tourism have changed under the impact of the social change; in addition, the “advertising volumes” of distribution channel, medical treatment, health care and culture and education categories were impacted by the social change, “advertising presentation” remained unchanged. The “advertising presentation” of foods, beverage, tobacco and liquors and electric appliance categories were impacted by the social change, instead of the “advertising volume”. Moreover, the “advertising volume” and the “advertising presentation” of household appliance, PC peripherals and products on websites were remained unchanged without being impacted by the social change. (4) During the period of Year 1997-2003, the advertising presentation on Taiwan’s newspaper mainly focused on product-oriented promotion, and secondly the situation and figure-oriented advertising. In recent years, economic recession has substantially increased promotion-oriented advertising to get people’s attention. The overall advertising presentation focused on soft human interest and feature stories, in addition, the advertising of recent years has turned to freer, easier and more humorous approaches; besides, it is obvious that the advertising tends to be more exoticism, due to the impact of globalization.


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