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Medical Risk Management and Crisis Response




With the coming of complex societies, the incidence and severity of the crisis are increasing daily. Various natural and artificial crises such as the 921 Earthquake, Typhoon Morakot, SARS, H1N1 influenza pandemic, food contaminated events, and etc. have had a serious adverse impact on our social stability. These disasters keep challenging the crisis response capabilities of the hospitals in Taiwan. Preparing and improving emergency response capabilities are important challenges faced by the hospitals. In addition to natural disasters, risks that may occur in hospitals include financial management crisis, human resource crisis, business quality crisis, and medical dispute credibility crisis. Once a crisis occurs, it can challenge the hospital's established operating processes. It is often difficult to integrate the challenges into the whole process, leading to delays in resolution of the crisis. If hospital decision-makers conduct risk management in advance, make a crisis decision promptly when a crisis occurs, set up a crisis management team, develop a crisis management plan, and perform effective crisis communication, the threat of crisis can be eased and possibly resolved. The key topics for risk management include the following: the likelihood of risk, the danger of risk, the calculation of risk, the prevention, control, and reduction of risk, communicating possible risk and handling crisis. This article will discuss these issues using patient safety, holistic health care, and early warning of medical disputes as examples.


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