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Case Management of Care for a Breast Cancer Patient with Recurrence and Metastases Over a Short Time Period




This article describes the nursing experience of a case manager caring for a breast cancer patient who was found to have multiple metastases over a short period of time. The nursing period was from December 19, 2017 to February 26, 2018. Applying Gordon's 11 functional health patterns for a comprehensive nursing assessment, the case manager found the patient to have the following health problems: anxiety, oral mucosal changes, acute pain and anticipatory grief. In the process of caring for the patient, the care manager relayed the results of the evaluation of side effects of chemotherapy, administered correct oral care and pain medication, contacted multiple specialist teams to provide continuous care, led the patient to attend breast cancer support groups and mindfulness based stress reduction, as well cope with anticipatory sorrow. With case controlled this way, the patient was able to face the impact and pressure brought by recurrence with a positive attitude and achieve some degree of stability of body and mind.


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