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The Use of Science Citation Index to Evaluate Researchers in Sport Science Field: Objectivity or Controversy?




Using objective indexes to evaluate the academic performance of researchers is an important issue in scientific fields. This is because that the fair evaluation of researchers can directly influence their academic reputation and the financial support for their research projects from the government. Recently, Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) have been commonly used by the National Science Council in Taiwan to objectively assess researchers. The indexes seem to be objective but they may not be completely fair. This article compared the changes of SCI journals in 2004 and 2009 in the sport science field and interpreted the meanings of SCI. In this perspective viewpoint, we try to prevent just increasing the publication numbers for national researchers without particularly concerning the quality of academic work.


Hsien-Wei Kuo、Chin-Fang Kuo(2023)。Taiwan martial arts: Education, development and international academic trends中華體育季刊37(3),241-259。https://doi.org/10.6223/qcpe.202309_37(3).0003
Hsien-Wei Kuo、Chin-Fang Kuo(2023)。Taiwan martial arts: Education, development and international academic trends中華體育季刊(),1-19。https://doi.org/10.6223/qcpe.202305/PP.0008
