  • 期刊


Thought history of "The book of Change" under the order of "Five Classics" in The "History Records" and "History of West Han"




This article focuses on the systematic learning meaning comes from different order of "Five Classics"(五經)in "Classic scholars biography"(儒林傳) of "History Records"(史記)and "History of west Han dynasty"(漢書). In former, "Book of Odes"(詩經) lead "Five Classics" ,but in latter "Book of Changes"(易經) did. "Book of Changes" headed the list of "Five Classics". It grounded on the fact that Confucius(孔子) was lift to the top standard of Saint for the political spirit of Han empire. And further, Confucius was connected with "The explanation book" to "Book of Changes"(易傳). This Book, which emerged at 3 century B.C., brought metaphysical thoughts that help the philosophy founding of Han empire. And then the following dynasties preserved this idea, so "Book of Changes" became the most important classic in "Five Classics" for millennia. The systematic course of elevating of "book of Changes" at Han dynasty is my research point in this article.


《尚書》(台北:藝文印書館,1979 年)。
(漢)司馬遷《史記》(台北:鼎文書局,1981 年)。
(漢)班固 《漢書》(台北:鼎文書局,1979 年)。
(宋)程頤、朱熹《易程傳‧易本義》(台北:河洛圖書公司,1974 年)。
(宋)朱熹《四書集注》(台北:世界書局,1969 年)。
