  • 期刊


Integrating comprehensive geriatric assessment in long-term care with mobile health technology to develop an active total participatory smart mobile cloud support model for the aged


隨著高齡化的發展,如何建立有效的老人照護模式已成為健康照護重大議題,其中完整掌握老人照護內容,跨急性、亞急性、社區和居家環境的整合性照護(integrated care)模式,更是先進國家採取的方法。然而此模式常礙於負責綜合性健康評估(comprehensive geriatric assessment)之專業人力時間有限、傳統分次評估無法掌握老人最新健康情況等因素,使得成效受限。使用智慧型手機與穿戴式設備的行動健康科技(mobile health technology)近年來的發展已相當普及,更被視為未來健康照護模式。此模式由於智慧手機和網路所構成的行動化平台,開發的服務性app與即時通訊模組的功能,讓手機的使用者和服務者的互動更快、更及時、也更有成效。


How to establish an effective model of caring for the aged has emerged as a significant healthcare issue because of the rapid growth in the elder population. Among many approaches, the Integrated Care model of monitoring the aged starting from acute care through post-acute care, community care and ending with home care has been highly used in advanced countries. The success of this model relies on the use of uniform Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment tools but is often discounted because of limited professional assessors, lack of time and failure to acquire the most updated information on the elderly's health status due to the traditional batch and quarterly assessment modalities. The mobile health model which uses smartphones and wearable devices has become popular and is widely regarded as the future healthcare model. This model could utilize the mobile platform composed of smartphone devices and the internet, service apps, and instant messaging to facilitate real-time and efficient communication and interaction among all stakeholders. This study team with experience in mobile health and health service for the elderly, propose this plan to accomplish the following goals in the next three years: (1) Develop CGA-based apps and intelligent smartphone and communication platforms for the elderly, family, caregivers, service and healthcare professionals; (2) Establish an interchangeable CGA data base; (3) Design modules to segregate the one CGA into many small context-sensitive components for mobile data collection; (4) Establish the guideline components on mobile devices and cloud center; (5) Design the system interfaces based on good usability design principles to make tools easy and satisfying to use; (6) Design an advanced service model to better use the capability of instant messaging; and (7) Accomplish a creative, spontaneous and long-term-care-based mobile cloud service model.
