  • 期刊

導入服務學習課程促發學生老化知識、態度與服務老人意向之翻轉行動 教學分析-以社會工作系學生為例

Effect of Incorporating Service Learning into Social Studies Curriculum on Students' Aging Knowledge, Attitude and Service Intention


面對高齡人口比例的增加,尊老敬老及愛老養老的觀念,是否會因世代文化的改變、升學與就業壓力以及受到普遍對老化和高齡者負面刻板印象的迷思與偏見而變的淡薄?為瞭解大專學生的老化知識、態度與高齡社會服務信念,本研究透過專業課程融入服務學習-高齡學、團體活動設計、健康照顧概論及方案設計與評估,在正式課程中導入服務學習內涵及實作,帶領約229位大專院 學校學生共同參與老人照顧機構服務。時程維持兩年共四學期,以實際行動探討學生在課程後對「老化知識」、「老化態度」及「對老人服務意向」的轉變。透過課程設計出服務老人體驗及互動,讓學生從基礎高齡學概念開始,再經由參與服務行動有所認知與瞭解。最後,整理學生服務老人的參與觀察記錄,進行焦點團體訪談,以瞭解課程形塑的「轉變」,是否明顯影響老化知識、態度及服務意願。本研究結果為:(1)參與高齡服務學習對老化知識、態度與服務意向有顯著提升;(2)參與高齡服務學習對其未來就業及服務意向有影響;(3)與高齡者有較頻繁互動的學生,其老化態度與服務意向皆較佳。


The study utilized action research to examine how the incorporation of non-curriculum service learning elements, including group design, health care introduction and program design and assessment, into the course content for social studies students affected their attitude toward "aging knowledge", "aging attitude" and "intention to serve the older adults". Learning outcomes include curriculum redesign such that the students learn how to serve the older adults and interact with them from a young age. Approximately 229 tertiary institutions in elderly care institutions participated in the study. The research method involved recording observations of how the students served the older adults and interacted with them. The observations were supplemented by focus group meetings in which participants discussed how including service learning elements into the curriculum changed the students’ knowledge of aging, their attitude toward aging, and their intention to serve the older adults. Findings of the study were: (1) participation in the curriculum increased students’ aging knowledge, attitude and service intentions; (2) participation in the curriculum increased students’ intentions to choose older adults service as their career; (3) students have more frequent interaction with their aging attitude and service had higher level of intentions to choose older adults service as their career.


