  • 期刊


A study on the relationship between art activities and improving the interpersonal networks of older adults


依據衛生福利部106年老人狀況調查報告顯示,65歲以上過去1年「每天」保持和朋友、親戚或同事往來者僅占22.42%,有參與社團活動比率為35.66%,與家人同住為三代家庭者占33.6%,鑒於台灣老人獨居的比率逐年攀升,除此之外,我國高齡者在社會參與程度仍屬偏低,因此,在高齡浪潮席捲而來之現今,長者如若積極保有社會脈動與人際網絡,將可免於孤單寂寞之負向情緒,人際網絡亦稱之為社會網絡,係指社會中的個人與他人透過互動的關係而進行某程度的聯繫,為佈局在前端的失能預防及延緩,長照2.0計畫強調健康促進活動實有其必要性。據此,本研究目的在於探討藝術活動-音樂與繪畫課程的介入能否有效提升長者的人際網絡。採實驗研究(Quasi-experimental study)不相等實驗組對照組前後測設計,研究受測者納入標準以65歲(含)以上118名台南市社區式據點及日間照顧中心長者進行調查,以為期三個月,每週2次,每30分鐘的音樂舞蹈及繪畫活動。研究統計則以描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本T檢定、相依樣本T檢定及單因子變異數等方式進行資料分析。結果顯示,實驗組在藝術活動介入後,「情緒層面」、「社交層面」、「整體人際網絡」皆達顯著水準(p > .05),對照組則無。根據資料分析結果,本研究歸納結論如下:(1)影響長者參與活動之效益及意願與其「居住狀況」及「身分別」具顯著關聯;(2)藝術性活動的介入與人際網絡的提升具顯著關聯。


As digital technologies and information are becoming more and more decentralized and often available in the cloud, a digital drop can affect older adults. In recent years, the population of most countries in Taiwan has been aging steadily. According to a report on a common condition observed in older adults, individuals who are above 65 years old and who do not participate in social activities, such as going out with friends or joining a club, had a 77% higher risk of developing a condition called negative emotion. The beginning of communication technology has caused most people's interpersonal network to weaken. This study explored the relevance between art activities and improving the interpersonal networks of older adults. Descriptive statistics, Chi-squared test, independent sample t-test, paired sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used in our statistical analysis. The results showed that the experimental group in the interpersonal network reached a significant level (p > .05). The proposed art activity created for the older adults was able to improve their interpersonal network and enhance their social and emotional levels. Future research can focus on expanding the scope and subject to improve the research value.
