  • 期刊


Exploring A Play Therapy Group Supervision Model from Clinical Work-Combined Perspectives of both Supervisor & Supervisees




Psychologists who apply the play therapy on their work continuing increase their supervision needs. However, not many of these supervision needs have been met. Group supervision has been known as an effective and economic way to help with the improvement of professional abilities. This study aims to develop an applicable play therapy group supervision model. Used a qualitative research method to collect and analyze data. Two single-day supervision groups with 14 play therapists had been recruited. The perspective of Both supervisor and supervisees were concerned in this study. From group process analysis, the supervisor's views and strategies could be understood. From the group process analysis, the supervisor's views and strategies could be understood. Post-group interviews helped the supervisor understand the supervisees' expectations and group experience critiques. Results showed four main themes including "structures and dynamics of the supervision group," "participants' factors," "working issues," and "theory discussions." According to study result the tentative play therapy group supervision model has been recommended. Suggested that guidelines offered group structures set up, maintain the group dynamics, handling various dimensions in the supervision process, and extend connections. The recommend focus for leading the play therapy supervision group is "focusing on working issue, understanding theory, and concerning about person".


Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K. (2004). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (3rd ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Borders, L. D., & Leddick, G. (1987). Handbook of counseling supervision. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association
王文秀(2002)。遊戲治療者之實務經驗與受虐兒童不同遊戲治療模式效果之探討研究。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫研究結案報告(計畫編號 NSC90-2413-H-134-016),未出版。


