  • 期刊


The Comparison of Constitutional Review in ROC(Taiwan) and Japan




違憲審查 釋憲 大法官 最高法院


Japan after World War II, the United States was prepared to follow her constitutional review in its Constitution. Republic of China (Taiwan) since 1946 the beginning of the constitutional order that is "Grand Justices" as a constitutional interpretation authority for years. So, "The Comparison of Constitutional Review in ROC(Taiwan) and Japan" in the title, the first to make a presentation on the origin,development and type of the system of constitutional review, followed by points on the system of the operation and situation to description, and then on the two countries to exercise the right of authority, to review the form, negative or active exercise of comparison. Finally, Japan's constitutional review exercise due to the extreme negativism that criticism of its academics and other parties of noise constantly; but our country of Grand Justices was actively engaged in the work of constitutional interpretation and constitutional development for our country and constitutional progress the impact is very huge and remarkable achievements, that conclusion.
