

競技疊杯運動(Sport Stacking)源自於美國南加州地區,競技疊杯運動是一項利用特殊設計的塑膠杯,依照順序,計時完成指定動作的刺激競賽。2001年世界競技疊杯運動協會(The World Sport Stacking Association,WSSA)成立,制訂出比賽相關規則,舉辦世界冠軍錦標賽。競技疊杯運動可以分為三個項目:個人比賽(3-3-3、3-6-3、循環式)、雙人競賽、接力比賽,並依年齡從6歲以下至60歲以上分成12組。目前臺灣從事競技疊杯運動的人日益漸長,本篇文章將介紹競技疊杯運動、比賽規則、臺灣競技疊杯運動現況、運動益處與運動傷害防護方法,期能有助於將競技疊杯運動推廣至各級學校,讓更多人體驗這項運動。


Sport stacking originated in the early 1980's in southern California. Sport stacking was an exciting individual and team sport that involved stacking specialized plastic cups in specific sequences in as little time as possible. A specially designed cup made specifically for sport stacking, approved by the WSSA and used in a sport stacking competition or event. The World Sport Stacking Association (WSSA) formed in 2001. This association set the rules of sport stacking and held the World Sport Stacking Championships each spring. There were three main categories of sport stacking competition: individual timed competition (3-3-3 stack, 3-6-3 stack, and Cycle stack), doubles timed competition (Cycle stack), timed 3-6-3 relay competition. The competition was divided into twelve different age divisions, ranging from 6 and under to Seniors (60 and up).More and more individuals participated in sport stacking in Taiwan. This paper introduced the history, rules and benefits of sport stacking. Also discussed the development of sport stacking in Taiwan, and how to prevent and treat the injuries. We hoped more students can experience this new sports in Taiwan.


3-3-3 stack 3-6-3 stack cycle stack


中華競技疊杯運動推廣協會網站(2013 , 9 月12 日)。認識競技疊杯。資料引自http://www.wssa.org.tw/orange.html
邱紹雯 (2013a,4 月9 日)。疊杯世錦賽 林孟欣、吳亦凡摘金。自由電子報。資料引自http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2013/new/apr/9/today-life11.htm
邱紹雯 (2013b,8 月31 日)。疊杯小王子林永登 破世界紀錄。自由電子報。資料引自http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2013/new/aug/31/today-taipei6.htm

