  • 期刊


Sōkichi Tsuda's Scholarship on the Analects


《論語と孔子の思想》為日本近代學者津田左右吉(1873-1961)代表著作之一,於昭和二十二年(1947)由岩波書店出版,後收錄於《津田左右吉全集》第十四卷(岩波書店,1963-1966),內容囊括了第一篇 世間流傳的孔子言談第二篇《論語》及孔子言談之傳承第三篇《論語》的型態與內容第四篇《論語》成書的經緯第五篇《論語》與儒家之學結語《論語》的研究方法及態度津田左右吉身為思想史學家,在考察《論語》一書成立原委的過程中,把《論語》和孔子言談、思想的關係,儒學如何形成而其中又是經過怎樣的轉變,以及孔子思想在這樣的儒學中又扮演了什麼樣的角色等問題,都做了詳盡的查證與精闢的分析。津田認為過去的學者沒有注意到文本中對孔子言論的捏造、錯植和改寫等問題,是研究上極大的致命傷。此書中,津田採取文本批判的研究方法,提出許多新的創見,為日後日本儒學研究帶來的影響甚為深遠。本文即以《論語と孔子の思想》為主體,先概述津田左右吉生平,再整理分析津田的《論語》研究特色,試圖重新思考《論語と孔子の思想》一書以及津田的《論語》研究在當代中國思想史研究的歷史意義與價值。


津田左右吉 論語 孔子 儒學


Published in December 1946, The Analects and Ideas of Confucius is one of the famous books written by Sōkichi Tsuda and consists of the following chapters: Chapter 1… the passed-down words of Confucius Chapter 2 …The Analects of Confucius and the handing down of Confucius's words Chapter 3 …the form and substance of the Analects of Confucius Chapter 4 …the formative route of the Analects of Confucius Chapter 5 …The Analects of Confucius and the study of Confucianism Closing remarks …Research methods and attitudes in the study of the Analects of Confucius As a master of history and philosophy, Sōkichi Tsuda clarified the relation between The Analects and the ideas of Confucius with an elaborate examination of Confucius's words. In the process of investigating the formative route of The Analects of Confucius, Sōkichi Tsuda clarified some important matters, such as how Confucianism was formed and what kind of role Confucius's words played in Confucianism. Tsuda noticed that there were a lot of quotations attributed to Confucius in the Han Dynasty, but these words actually originated from other people or books. Moreover, the matter of rewriting and adaptation of Confucius's words is discussed in Tsuda's study. This book significantly influenced later studies of Confucianism in Japan. I will introduce Sōkichi Tsuda's biography first, then clarify the characteristics in The Analects and Ideas of Confucius, and finally attempt to define its value as well as its significance with regards to recent studies on Confucianism.
