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Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of atopic dermatitis


異位性皮膚炎(Atopic dermatitis)一個慢性搔癢的皮膚發炎反應,大部分發生在小孩子。台灣的大約有兩百萬皮膚炎患者,在美國大約有11%小孩被確診,這些小孩通常伴隨有過敏性鼻炎、氣喘或蕁麻疹等疾病出現,故又稱為異位性(atopy)疾病。本文男童,出生就表現全身膚紅癢脫屑並伴隨流淋巴液,塗抹西醫外用藥僅能些微控制,效果不如預期,六個月大開始中藥治療,兩個月後皮膚明顯改善,經過一年半的治療,完全停藥後也沒有在發作,因此中藥確實對異位性皮膚炎的患者,有明顯的療效,甚至能完全治癒。


Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory response of the skin that typically presents in infancy and childhood. The primary symptoms are pruritus, erythema, weeping, scaling, crusting and lichenification. There are approximately 2 million atopic dermatitis patients in Taiwan and approximately 11% of all children in the United States are diagnosed with this condition. Children with atopic dermatitis commonly present with concomitant allergic rhinitis, asthma, and urticaria, an allergic triad of conditions also known as atopy. This case report is of a male patient who presented with pruritis, erythema, scaling and weeping skin over his entire body at birth. Western medicine topical medications were administered which provided mild relief, but did not completely resolve symptoms nor manage the condition. Thus, at six months old the patient began traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment. After 2 months of treatment, the patient's condition significantly improved; and after 1 1/2 years of treatment, the patient's condition completely resolved and the treatment was discontinued. Since then the patient has remained symptom free. This case provides evidence of TCM's capacity to effectively manage, and in some cases, even cure atopic dermatitis.


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