  • 期刊


The Influence of Service Quality on Customer's Word-of-Mouth: a Case of Starbucks


台灣的咖啡市場競爭激烈,在當今的競爭中,服務品質對於咖啡店的成功生存變得越來越重要,本研究針對台中地區星巴克的服務品質與口碑之關係為探討,並作為本研究抽樣樣本進行問卷發放,一共發放360份,回收316份,刪除無效樣本5份,有效問卷311份,有效回收率達86.38%。研究採用SPSS 26.0統計軟體進行問卷分析,分析方法採描述性分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t-test、單因子變異數分析、逐步迴歸分析。本研究結果如下:(1)不同消費者性別對其口碑有顯著的差異。(2)不同消費次數對其口碑有顯著的差異。(3)服務品質之中保證性對口碑有正向影響。(4)服務品質之中反應性對口碑有正向影響。(5)服務品質之中關懷性對口碑有正向影響。


星巴克 服務品質 口碑


Taiwan has a highly competitive coffee market. In today's competition, service quality is gaining importance for successful survival of coffee shop. This study discussed the Starbucks the relationships between service quality and customer word-of-mouth. This study focuses on Starbucks in Taichung area for the research. This study adopted the research of questionnaire as study method. The valid questionnaire volume is 311. In this study, the study uses SPSS 26.0 statistical software for analysis questionnaire. The data would be analyzed through descriptive statistics, factor analysis, independent t-test, one-way anova, and stepwise regression analysis. According to this study result, it shows that different gender, and frequency would have the remarkable difference with consumer word-of-mouth. Assurance has significant positive influences to customer's word-of-mouth. Responsiveness has significant positive influences to customer's word-of-mouth. Empathy has significant positive influences to customer's word-of-mouth.


Starbucks Service Quality Word-of-Mouth


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