  • 期刊


Study of Chinese-West Cultural Differences in Physical Education Using Contrastive Analysis Method



中西文化長久以來就一直是中西學界關注與爭論的焦點。由於不同的地理與氣候等環境因素,不同的歷史與文化因素,不同的種族與民族因素,鑄造成兩種截然不同的文化價值體系,而體育運動文化亦然。 本研究的主要目的在於探討,中西體育運動文化之差異性。包括中西文化差異,中西體育運動文化基本理念之差異以及中西體育運動文化組織制度之差異。本論文採歷史思想與比較研究法,將蒐集之相關文獻資料,加以整理、歸納、分析、詮釋與比較。其研究結果歸結如后: 有關中西文化之差異,中國屬內陸型文化,並主張天人合一與家族本位;而西方文化屬於海洋文化,強調個人本位、人定勝天與征服大自然。至於中西體育運動基本理念之差異,中國強調民族精神、謙讓美德及嚴守分際;而西方體育運動強調世界精神、公平競爭並追求極限。而西方主要運動項目如田徑、游泳、舉重等,均以速度、高度、重量等數量來評價,這些運動種類可以客觀評價出冠軍及名次。而中國武術的產生和發展是體現人類觀察自然一切靈妙之物的能力,此種現象充分表達武術內容的抽象朦朧,無法客觀量化,與西洋體育運動的內容形成強烈對比。另外,中西體育運動文化組織制度之差異,中國體育運動組織派系林立且屬宗法制度;而西方體育運動組織嚴謹並屬公法制度。最後,有關中西質量育運動器用形態之差異,中國體育運動場地器材較彈性,而動作形態追求藝術化;而西方場地器材講究標準性,而動作形態追求規格化。以上種種均為中西體育運動文化之基本差異。


This study is aimed to study the cultural difference of physical education between that of Chinese and the West. Issues including the differences in the culture, the thought, and the organization of the physical education were discussed based on the contrastive analysis method. The steps of the study were consisted of reviewing, analyzing, and inducting the materials in the collected papers. From the study, the Chinese-West cultural differences in physical education are found as follows. The first difference comes from the Chinese-West cultural difference. The Chinese culture is categorized as the continental culture that emphasizes on the integration between nature and human beings. Furthermore, everything is family oriented. In the contrast, the West is categorized as the oceanic culture. It emphasizes on the personal and believes that everything even the nature can be conquered. The second difference is the physical education thought. People in Chinese emphasize on core spirit of their race and highlight politeness during sport competition, while, in the West, people emphasize on competition fairness and devote all the life to triumph over their own limits. Thirdly, the difference is the organization of the physical education. Many private organizations having their own rules may exist simultaneously in Chinese. However, only a common organization with common rule can be established in the West for a specific item of sports. Finally, the physical education facilities used in Chinese are quite flexible and the athletes pay more attention to the artistry of their own action in sport. On the other hand, most of the apparatuses and action in the West have been standardized.
