  • 期刊


Students Participate in Scuba Diving to Explore Motivation-To Dive Sites, for Example, Pingtung Kenting



本研究主要在瞭解大學生進行水肺潛水活動的參與動機。以屏東縣墾丁地區參與潛水活動的大學生作為研究對象,以立意取樣方式針對182位大學生進行問卷調查,有效問卷150份,有效回收率為82.4%。經由施測工具「初級潛水員參與動機」量表與統計分析方法包括:t檢定(Independent t-test)、變異數分析(One-wayANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson's correlation)及信度分析(Reliability analysis)等。獲得以下結果,(一)在信度分析中,整體參與動機與內含各量表之Cronbach's α值範圍在0.82至0.95間,具良好的信度檢驗。(二)大學生潛水活動參與動機中,身心健康動機、刺激避免動機、知識需求動機與整體參與動機間存在高程度正相關性。(三)擁有潛水相關證照的大學生,在潛水活動整體參與動機、身心健康動機與知識需求動機的平均得分較高且達顯著差異。(四)大學生為同質性較一致的族群,因此其他相關人口學特性變項(如:性別、年級、每月休閒消費金額等),於水肺活動參與動機上未見顯著之差異表現。以上結果將提供給相關業者及未來研究參考及佐證。


In this study, university students in scuba diving activities to understand the motivation for participating. Kenting in Pingtung County students participate in diving activities as study, purposive sampling method for the 182 college students conducted a questionnaire survey, 150 valid questionnaires, and the effective rate was 82.4%. Obtained through the survey the following results: (A) in reliability analysis, the overall motivation for participating and includes the Scale Cronbach's α values ranging from 0.82 to 0.95, with good reliability test. (B) The motivation for students to participate in diving activities, health motivation, motivation to avoid stimulation, knowledge, motivation and overall demand in the presence of high level of motivation between the positive correlation. (C) The relevant certificates of the students with diving, diving in the overall motivation, motivation and knowledge of physical and mental health needs of the average score is high and motivation are significant differences. (D) Students as compared with the same ethnic homogeneity, the other variables related to demographic characteristics (such as: gender, grade, amount of leisure consumption per month, etc.), motivation to participate in scuba activities, no significant differences on performance. These results will be available to relevant industry and the future of reference and evidence.


