  • 期刊


The Impact of Social Responsibility and Brand Image on Purchase Intention




The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of social responsibility and brand image on purchase intention to complement previous research gap. This study uses a questionnaire survey method. Convenience sampling is used to survey consumers who have purchased Quaker Health Food in Kaohsiung City. 300 questionnaires were distributed at the entrances of major stores, and a total of 248 valid questionnaires were collected. Via multiple regression analysis to verify the hypothesis, the results showed that social responsibility has a positive and significant impact on purchase intention, among which ethical responsibility has the highest impact, followed by economic responsibility, legal responsibility, and charitable responsibility; Brand image presents a positive and significant influence on purchase intention, among which symbolic influence is the highest, followed by functional and experiential. In addition, different personal background variables show no significant difference in purchasing intention. Finally, this study proposes managerial implications and recommendations.


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