  • 期刊


Physical Exercise and Mental Health of Hemodialysis Patient




Except for the physical problems, many long-term care patients have some problems about mental health, hemodialysis patients is one of the examples, they often have negative emotion such as depression, anxiety and helplessness. To cut into these kind of mental problems, except for drugs and traditional psychotherapy, many international and domestic researchers also found that physical exercise could improve mental problems with hemodialysis patients. The aim of this essay is to make a summary, including the effect of hemodialysis to patient's mental health, the help of physical exercise to hemodialysis patient's mental health, the way cutting into, the important points that should be taken care of and taken advantage of exercise training to improve hemodialysis to patient's mental health and so on. This essay expects to find point could help clinic medical staffs know more about the way using exercise to hemodialysis patients, apply physical exercise to hemodialysis patients and finally improve the quality of health care.


Physical exercise Hemodialysis Mental Health
