  • 期刊

Meningiomas Associated with Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid Gland



目的:腦膜瘤和甲狀腺乳頭狀上皮癌皆好發於女性病人。這些腫瘤受到內分泌激素不同程度的影響。文獻中Her2/neu受體在腦膜瘤及甲狀腺乳頭狀上皮癌是否過度表現的結論不一。 材料與方法:本篇文章分析四個伴隨甲狀腺乳頭狀上皮癌之腦膜瘤於免疫組織化學染色時雌性激素受體、動情激素受體、Her2/neu受器的表現。 結果:四個腦膜瘤病例之雌性激素受體、動情激素受體、Her2/neu受器的表現分別為0%、100%和50%。其合併之甲狀腺乳頭狀上皮癌之雌性激素受體、動情激素受體、Her2/neu受器的表現分別為0%、100%和0%。動情激素受體在腦膜瘤及其合併之甲狀腺乳頭狀上皮癌之表現為100%的一致性。 討論:動情激素受體在腦膜瘤和其合併之甲狀腺乳頭狀上皮癌之表現具一致性,未來也許可以研究在這兩種腫瘤之病人荷爾蒙治療之可行性。


Purpose: The predominant cases of meningiomas and thyroid cancers are female. These tumors are modulated by hormone of various degrees. While the previous reports rendered controversial data on Her2/neu overexpression in meningiomas and papillary carcinoma of thyroid gland. Materials and Methods: By immunohistochemistry, we retrospectively analyzed 4 cases with concomitant meningiomas and papillary carcinomas of thyroid gland, and investigated their correlation in ER, PR and Her2/neu performances. Results: The results of ER, PR and Her2/neu positive rates were 0%, 100% and 50% for the 4 meningiomas. The results of ER, PR and Her2/neu positive rates were 0%, 100% and 0% for the 4 papillary carcinomas of thyroid gland. There was 100% consistent performance of PR between meningiomas and papillary carcinomas of thyroid gland. Discussion: The consistent performance of PR between meningiomas and papillary carcinomas of thyroid gland would shed light on the future of hormone therapy in the treatment of these two tumors.
