  • 會議論文


Interactive Online Teaching Platform Used In Sixth-grade Mathmatics


小學裡,傳統的教學活動,學生的知識大部分來自上課教師,在教書過程中教師扮演著重要角色。但隨著資訊科技、網路資源普遍,教師的角色由傳統的『知識傳授者』轉為『學習的輔導者』。所以以學生為中心的教學模式,顯得十分重要且刻不容緩。所以,設計此多媒體數位教材,讓課堂朝e化教學,希冀輔助教師教學及學生學習。 此套數位教材,結合了引導式、建構式和開放式教學模式的優點,針對教學主題設計,模擬教師上課情境,製作多媒體教學影片。不但使書本上呆板的靜態圖片動態呈現,還節省教師冗長板書時間。此外結合了單元評量測驗,學生可自我檢測是否真正了解所學。也有數學小遊戲和留言板,讓學生手腦並用或提供學生上網提問題或留言。最後作互動式網頁,並放置教學平台做資源分享。 教師可利用此數位教材來進行數位教學,節省在浩瀚網海中獨自摸索的時間。不僅可以豐富學習內涵,建構學生數學概念,並讓學生運用資訊科技解決問題,創造多元化學習環境。而學生透過此數位教材,搭配單元學習重點,學業預習、複習兩相宜,增進學習效果與品質。並可針對自己所需,在不受時空環境限制下進行線上學習,加強或補救所學,減少一些學習壓力,不再害怕數學,且喜歡上數學!,


In elementary school, most student knowledge is from school teachers. Technology and network are so common, the teacher's role changes from providing knowledge to facilitating learning, making the student-centered very important and urgent to let students learn actively and more efficiently, classrooms change towards e-learning direction. This research designs multimedia digital textbook to help teachers' teaching and students' study. The research combines the study educational theories of guided, construction and open type. A multimedia recording video is designed to simulate teaching situations of teachers. It makes dull pictures become active and saves teachers a lot of writing time on the blackboard. It also complies unit assessment test, enables to understand what students have learned .There are also math games and message boards, they improve students' eye-hand coordination and also provide students the opportunity to ask questions or leave messages. Finally, this research designs interactive web site and puts it on the teaching platform to share resources. Teachers can use this digital textbook for on-line study and save the time for individual exploration in the vast network. It not only can enrich the content of courses, construct students' mathematical concepts but also let students solve problems with information technology and create the diverse learning environment. Through the digital textbook, students can prepare or review for lessons with focus of unit study before class to enhance the effect and quality of in-class learning. Student progress is based on their own needs, strengthen or remedy study under without time, space and environmental restrictions. They reduce some learning pressure, are no longer afraid of math and love math!
