  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


The Belief of Shuesian Deities in Tainan Fucheng




This study aims to explore the belief in Shuesian Deities, who were the sea deities in the port area of Taiwan Fucheng during the Qing Dynasty. The belief was also related to the development of neighbourhoods and business. Due to the transformation over time, the old temples were rebuilt; yet, the belief and the regional relation is still a topic worth researching. From rituals held in temples described in the literature the origin of the belief in Shuesian Deities was investigated, and the regional characteristics of the establishment of Shuesian temples analysed. Field researches and oral interviews were conducted on the belief in Shuesian Deities in Fucheng. Two seniors from the old Wutiaogang area and the managing director of Anping Linji Temple were interviewed. It was found that the Shuesian temples in the West District and Anping are related to the development of the Fucheng port area, the financial support of traders and the establishment of the naval camps. After compiling the relevant historical data and oral interviews, the correlation between the belief in Shuesian Deities in Fuchang and the regional business development was understood, and it thus established the content of this study. It is hoped that a better understanding of the belief in Shuesian Deities in Fucheng and its historical development will result.
