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A Study of Administration Pattern-"The Whole Nation System" on Competitive Sports of Mainland China


本研究透過文獻分析,旨在瞭解中國大陸「舉國體制」這一競技運動之管理模式的功效、內涵、架構及實施等方面的內容,得到以下結論: 一、在「舉國體制」的管理模式下,充分發揮在管理體制上的優勢,「全國一盤棋,組織一條龍、訓練一貫制」的指導原則,集中「全國」各省市政府人力、物力、財力有效運用於競技運動的訓練。 二、「舉國體制」的內涵是:以為國爭光為目標,以政府調控主導為主要的行政手段,統一規畫與行動,是一種以行政干預為主的體育管理制度。且各省市政府針對其優勢項目,實施訓練工作,如湖南的羽球、舉重、體操、跳水。上海的大力扶持區縣業餘訓練,鼓勵引導區縣承辦一、二級運動隊,突出三級重點項目。 三、「舉國體制」下的運動員培訓,在中小學優秀運動人才即進入業餘體校或運動學校網絡集中訓練,並針對奧運項目舉辦全民運動會。 四、在「舉國體制」下制訂奧運爭光計畫的主要措施:(一)調整奧林匹克運動項目的總體佈局。(二)建立集中與分散結合,多強對抗的國家隊體制。(三)加強科學訓練。(四)培養高水準的教練團隊。(五)實施2004年儲備人才。(六)建立效益投資體系。(七)擴大開放,加強國際交流。(八)普及和宣傳奧林匹克精神擴大競技運動的社會影響。 五、由國家體育總局針對運動項目成立科研小組,中國大陸體育界稱這項工作為「研究攻關與科技服務課題」。 六、「舉國體制」造就了中國大陸競技運動輝煌成就,也留下了諸多遺憾和不良後果,如運動員文化、道德素質低落,因此為適應全球化趨勢與市場經濟的新形勢,中國大陸正進行建立和完善新型的競技運動舉國體制的探索,其要點是在政府主導的前提下,更加強注入文化素質和市場經濟的活力。


By the way of documentary analysis, this study was aimed to analyzes the function, meaning, framework and execution of ”The Whole Nation System” on China's competitive sports. The conclusions were found as follows: 1. ”The Whole Naion System” fully took the advantage of the administration pattern. Its guiding principles were so-called ”the whole nation as a chess set, the organization as one continuous line, the training all along.” It concentrated manual labour, material and financial resources of the whole nation to improve the competitive sports effectively. 2. The meaning of ”The Whole Nation System” was that it was an administration-dominated sports system with the target of wining honor for nation, by the way of administration-dominated, putting programe and action under nation's overall leadership. And local government arranged training according to its strong events, such as Hunan's badminton weight-lifting, gymnastics and diving. Shanghai encouraging its district to develop spare-time trining and sponsor sports teams. 3. The athlete cultivating under The ”Whole Nation System” was that the talents from primary and middle school entered the spare-time or full-time sports school to accept the intensive training. The events set in nation games only followed Olympic Games. 4. The main measures of ”The Olympic Games Plan for Honor” was worked out according to ”The Whole Nation System” (1) Adjusting the overall sports structure. (2) Setting up the national team system of combining gathering with dispersing and multi-power resisting. (3) Strengthening scientific training. (4) Cultivating groups of high-level coaches. (5) Developing sports talents for 2004. (6) Setting up the effective investment system. (7) Widening the opening, strengthening the international exchange. (8) Popularizing and propagandizing the Olympic sprit to expand the social effect of competition sports. 5. General Administration of Sport established scientific groups. This work was called ”Scientific research and service to tackle key problems'. 6.”The Whole Nation System” brought China's competitive sports with splendor. But it remained much regrets and negative consequences such as its athletes' quality being lower in culture and morality. Therefore, in order to suit the globalization trends and the new circumstance of market economics, China was exploring the reforming of ”The Whole Nation System”. Its core was that on the prerequisite of the administration-dominated, pay more attention to strengthening culture quality and market economics mechanism.




康宏達(2015)。兩岸體育政策之比較研究-以乒乓球競技為例 (2000~2015)〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2015.00588
