  • 期刊


The Study on the Relationship between Personality Traits and Creativity for the Art and Design Group Students of Vocational High School: Taking Fu-Hsin Trade and Arts School as an Example




The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of the personality traits and creativity in the art and design group students of vocational high school. The research was conducted with questionnaire investigation purposive sampling. The research collected 137 questionnaires from the students in third grade of the art and design group of vocational high school. Two assessment tools were implemented, which included ”New Creativity Test for Students in Taiwan” developed by Dr. Ching-Chi Wu, and the ”CBPI (Basic Personality Inventory in Chinese Version)” revised for this study. Out of 137 questionnaires, there were 114 valid questionnaires return, 86% valid return rate. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson's Product-Moment correlation, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Most of the Art and Design group students of vocational high school presented upper medium level, with an obvious tendency on ”depression”. The overall personality traits of the Art and Design group students of vocational high school had obvious negative tendency. 2. The Art and Design group students of vocational high school scored high in the creative thinking ability than in the verbal creative thinking ability. As regarding creative thinking ability, the males' performance was significantly better than the females' on both ”graphic creative thinking ability” and ”verbal creative thinking ability”. 3. The relation of the originality of graph, the fluency of graph and emotional disturbance, thinking disorder personality trait among the Art and Design group students of vocational high school was obvious and positive. 4. The relation of the fluency of verbal and emotional disturbance, persecutory personality trait of the Art and Design group students of vocational high school was obvious and positive. There was a positive relationship between verbal flexibility and persecutory personality traits in the Art and Design group students of vocational high school. 5. In the personality traits, female students had higher significant differences on ”hypochondriasis” than male students. 6. In the creativity, male students had much better performance on ”graph flexibility and originality” than female students. 7. There was no obvious difference on the personality traits in different departments. 8. The elaboration of graph for the Art and Design group students of vocational high school among different departments had significant differences. The students in the subject of art were better at graph elaboration than the students in the subject of advertisement design. 9. ”Thinking disorder” could positively predict graph creativity, but it was not highly explainable. 10. ”Persecutory” could positively predict verbal creativity, and ”anxiety” could negatively predict verbal creativity, but lack the power of explication. Finally, according to the above findings, this study can offer suggestion for school education, life-guidance teachers, parents, enterprises, and future researchers.


