  • 期刊


The Relationships among Humor Styles, Group Conflicts, and Group Cohesion


在工作的環境中,成員之間幽默的互動往往是讓組織擁有玩興氣氛的重要因素,在幽默所引發之正面情緒特質之下,可以降低團體相處時所產生的不良衝突,並且能夠使氣氛融洽以及提升團體凝聚力。因此,本研究主要在於探討幽默風格、團體衝突與團體凝聚力之間的關係,研究對象為北部大學之專題團隊成員,以問卷的方式進行調查分析,有效問卷為400份。利用SEM結構方程式模型以及LISREL 8.71來分析各向度之間的關聯性。經統計分析後,各個假設成立情況如下所示:(1)正向型幽默風格對關係衝突有負向影響;(2)正向型幽默風格對任務衝突有正向影響;(3)負向型幽默風格對關係衝突有正向影響;(4)負向型幽默風格對任務衝突有負向影響;(5)正向型幽默風格對團體凝聚力無顯著影響;(6)負向型幽默風格對團體凝聚力無顯著影響;(7)關係衝突對團體凝聚力有負向影響;(8)任務衝突對團體凝聚力有正向影響。


The purpose of this study is to find the relationships among humor styles, group conflict, and group cohesion. According to the above phenomenon, the valid sample is 400 undergraduate students (80 final project teams). SEM with LISREL computer program was used in this study. The results are as follows: (1) Positive humor styles influence relationship conflict negatively, but negative humor styles influence relationship conflict positively. (2) Positive humor styles influence on task conflict positively; however, negative humor styles influence task conflict negatively. (3) There is no difference between positive humor styles and group cohesion, and there is also no difference between negative humor styles and group cohesion. (4) Relationship conflict influences group cohesion negatively. (5) Task conflict influences group cohesion positively.


Humor styles group conflict group cohesion
