  • 期刊


A Study of Psychological Capital, Feeling of Well-being, and Sport Performance for Cheerleading Players in Senior High School


目的:一、比較不同背景變項之高中啦啦隊選手其心理資本、幸福感與運動表現之差異;二、了解高中啦啦隊選手的心理資本、幸福感及運動表現的相關情形;三、探討高中啦啦隊選手的心理資本對幸福感及運動表現的預測情形。方法:本研究以104 年度全國中等學校啦啦隊錦標賽之高中競技啦啦隊選手為研究對象,採立意抽樣進行問卷調查,每位選手均填寫「心理資本量表」、「幸福感量表」及「運動表現量表」。所蒐集的資料分別以t 考驗、單因子變異數分析及多元逐步迴歸分析進行資料處理。結果:一、男選手在「自我效能」的得分高於女選手,其餘各項均無差異。二、不同組別的選手在「心理資本」、「幸福感」與「運動表現」均無差異存在。三、底層選手自評其運動表現高於頂層選手。四、「自我效能、努力」分別與「積極正向」及「運動表現」有相關存在。五、「自我效能」可以有效預測「積極正向」達13%;「自我效能、努力、復原力」可以有效預測「運動表現」28%。結論:要增進高中競技啦啦隊選手的幸福感,可從其自我效能和努力給予加強。在預測運動表現方面,則要提升其心理資本(自我效能、努力、復原力)。


Purposes: 1. to compare the differences of psychological capital, well-being and sport performance among senior high school cheerleaders with different backgrounds; 2. to explore the relationship among psychological capital, well-being and sport performance of senior high school cheerleaders; and 3. to explore the prediction of senior high school cheerleaders' psychological capital to their well-being and sport performance. Methods: The subjects were the players who joined 2015 High School Cheerleading Championship by purposively sampling. All the subjects were administered by Psychological Capital Inventory, Well-being Inventory and Sport Performance Inventory. The collected data were analyzed by t test, one-way ANOVA and multiple stepwise regression analysis. Results: 1. Male cheerleaders scored higher than female cheerleaders in self-efficacy, and the rest had no difference. 2. There were no differences between the groups in terms of "psychological capital", "well-being" and "sport performance". 3. The sport performance of the base players was better than those of the top players. 4. Self-efficacy and striving were related to positive and sport performance respectively. 5. Self-efficacy could effectively predict 13% variance of positive. Self-efficacy, striving, resilience could effectively predict 28% variance of sport performance. Conclusion: In order to enhance the feeling of well-being of cheerleaders in senior high schools, we should strengthen their self-efficacy and striving. In the prediction of sport performance, we should enhance their psychological capital (self-efficacy, striving, resilience).


self-efficacy striving resilience negative positive


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