  • 期刊


Business Model Innovation in College Athletics: A Case Study of College Sports League


目的:本研究旨在針對大專院校系際運動聯盟的創新經營模式作個案研究,該組織的服務目標對象為大專院校系隊學生,有別於大專院校體育總會針對校隊等級的運動競賽。就服務對象來說,前者拓展深耕的對象是大專體總的數十倍。因此,若能夠分析系際運動聯盟的創新經營模式,以建構企業、組織、學生運動參與等三者之間多贏的良性循環成效,將有助於促進全民運動和改善運動產業環境及強化業者經營模式和能力。研究成果將有助於產、官、學界對於運動組織創新經營模式的啟發。方法:研究根據創新經營模式的指標,建構問卷並針對11 位專家先進做訪談。結論:系際運動聯盟在創造系際學生運動的市場規模的創新服務觀念引導下,建構系際學生運動賽會成為具有市場吸引力的重要顧客價值,且整合運動產業資源得以挹注與協助系際學生的賽會經驗傳承、賽會辦理知能的服務傳送機制,並搭配優異的賽會數位化及雲端化的科技使用能力,則創建聯盟成為市場上多贏合作模式的典範和領先地位。


Purpose: The aim of study was to explore a new business model of College Sports League (CSL) prevailing in College Athletics by applying Bilderbeek's Structure. CSL provided a service for interscholastic sport competition; in contrast, Chinese Taipei University Federation (CTUF) governed intercollegiate sport competition. For target population, the membership of CSL was number decuple larger than those of CTUF. Why did CSL pay attention in the target and how could acquire a success? By the analysis of the business model of CSL via interviews, the benign cycle of enterprises, non-profit organizations, and student sport participants was understood. The result may assisted to the development of sport for all, improve the environment in sport industry, and take an advantage for sport managers. Finally, the recommendation was proposed for the governmentindustry- university collaboration. Methods: The study was based on the goal of the mode of creative management and built on interviewing questionnaires of 11 experts. Conclusion: The analysis demonstrated that constructive and interdepartmental sports games become the most attractive toward the markets, which conclude important customers' value, on behalf of guidance of creative service of interdepartmental athletes alliance on creating interdepartmental sports games. Moreover, integrating athletic industries offers balancing resources and assists heritance of experience on interdepartmental sports games, delivering mechanism of service on cognition of processing games; this also achieves the leading pattern and position of multi-cooperating mode in the markets by collocating distinctive digitalized games and cloud-based techniques.


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