  • 期刊


Effects of Various Music on Balance of College Men




Purpose: This study investigated the effects of listening to music on the balance of college men using a treadmill at various speeds to uncover safety information for fitness enthusiasts. Method: Twelve male college students were recruited and instructed to use a treadmill at various speeds (3.8km/h, 4.8km/h, 5.6km/h, and 6.4km/h) to demonstrate the differences in pressure trajectory and balance between normal use and use while listening to different types of music (light classic, rock, or pop). Internal, external, and overall balance with different music genres and at various walking speeds was compared. Results: The maximal and minimal inner and outer axis and pressure area did not differ with music at 3.8km/h or 4.8km/h speed. At 5.6km/h speed, the maximal and minimal inner and outer axes and maximal pressure areas were consistent among the three types of music. During 6.4km/h speed, the minimum horizontal axes and pressure area were significantly smaller when the participants were listening to light music than when they were listening the other types of music; the maximal internal and external axis and pressure area during normal walking were similar among the three types of music. Conclusion: At 5.6km/h speed, listening to different types of music significantly reduces left-side, right-side, and overall balance. At this speed, walking without music is safer. During 6.4km/h speed, light classic relaxes the body and mind to improve balance and safety. Therefore, men who walk at 5.6km/h speed on treadmills should avoid listening to music, whereas those who jog at 6.4km/h speeds can listen to light music to improve balance control and reduce their risk of falls and other injuries.


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