  • 期刊


Effects of Six Weeks of Extremely Low-Volume High-Intensity Interval Training on Cardiopulmonary Endurance and Body Composition of Junior High School Students with Different Weight-Length Indices


目的:探討每週4次、持續6週極低量高強度間歇訓練對體位正常、過重及肥胖國中生之最大攝氧量、腰圍、臀圍及體脂率影響。方法:35名國中生依重高指數分為正常組15人、過重組8人及肥胖組12人。先測量身體組成、腰圍和臀圍後進行漸進式心肺耐力跑測驗以換算最大攝氧量;其後以徒手方式盡全力進行20秒之波比跳、開合跳、伏地登山式及深蹲跳組合的極低量高強度間歇訓練,動作間休息10秒、反覆2次,每次總訓練時間4分鐘,每週4次、持續6週;之後再進行相同內容之測驗。以共變數分析、相依樣本t檢定和混合設計二因子變異數分析三組訓練前、後各依變項之差異。結果:6週訓練後,三組間校正後之腰圍、臀圍、體重和體脂率值皆無顯著差異,而肥胖組訓練後體脂率顯著低於訓練前(29.58% ± 5.79% vs 30.55% ± 5.35%, p < .05),肥胖組訓練後之體重亦顯著顯著低於訓練前(74.86 ± 7.25 vs 75.61 ± 7.57公斤);此外,三組之最大攝氧量、腰圍及臀圍皆有顯著的改善。結論:持續6週、每週4次、每次4分鐘的極低量高強度間歇訓練,能顯著改善國中生的最大攝氧量、腰圍及臀圍;並可改善肥胖體位國中生的體重及體脂率。


Purpose: This research investigated the effects of 6 weeks of extremely low-volume high-intensity interval training (ELVHIIT), which was conducted four times per week, on the cardiovascular fitness and body composition of junior high school students with different anthropometric characteristics. Method: Thirty-five healthy junior high school students were enrolled. On the basis of their weight-length index (WLI), the participants were divided into three groups, namely the normal-weight (n = 15), overweight (n = 8), and obese (n = 12) groups. The body fat percentage and waist and hip circumferences of all participants were measured. The progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run (PACER) test was conducted to estimate the participants' maximum oxygen consumption. Subsequently, the participants underwent a 6-week ELVHIIT training program that was conducted four times per week and comprised two circuits that involved four types of body weight resistance movements (i.e., burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and squat jumps). The duration for each movement was 20 s of all-out effort followed by 10 s of rest. The total training time for each training session was 4 min. Anthropometric measurements and the PACER test were performed 2 days after the final training session. The collected data were analyzed through a one-way analysis of covariance, paired samples t-test, and 3 × 2 two-way mixed-design analysis of variance. Results: After 6 weeks of training, no significant difference in adjusted values was detected between the groups for waist circumference, hip circumference, body weight, and body fat percentage. However, body fat percentage of the obese group decreased significantly (postintervention vs. preintervention, 29.58% ± 5.79% vs. 30.55% ± 5.35%; p < .05). Their body weight also decreased (postintervention vs. preintervention: 74.86 ± 7.25 vs. 75.61 ± 7.57 kg). Notably, the maximum oxygen consumption, waist circumference, and hip circumference results of the three groups improved. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the 6-week ELVHIIT significantly improved the maximum oxygen uptake and the waist and hip circumference of junior high school students with obesity.


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