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Transforming Compassion with Attachment and Wrong Views into True Compassion during Services by the Volunteers: Illustrated by the Senior Citizen's Care Services Provided by the Jhong Hua Yao Shih Shan Lay Buddhists Association


本文首先介紹中華藥師山居士佛學學會的老人關懷工作,其次由訪談中探討志工們在從事老人服務工作時,內心遇到的困境,也就是志工們並不能做到完全無私無我的付出,而是在慈悲心中,參雜著因五毒心—貪、瞋、癡、慢、疑而衍生的種種愛見,如不平等心、驕慢心及貪愛心等,這種世俗的慈悲心在佛教中稱為「愛見大悲」。本文於是依(1)大悲心的重要性(2)如何發起大悲心(3)大悲心的實踐(4)長養大悲心(5)大悲心與空性的關係,五個層次探討佛教的「大悲心」,並將之與世俗的慈悲心—愛見大悲做比較。在瞭解愛見大悲的內涵後,本文認為可以利用「轉念」的方式,將人心中的種種愛見,轉以正念取代。例如將驕慢心轉成平等心、轉癡心成利他心、轉貪心成清淨心、轉疑心 成信願心以及轉嗔心成精進心;這主要是依據文殊菩薩在《華嚴經》〈淨行品〉中的教導:在日常生活中隨時要生起「利他」的心念,如果經常如此就可將善念的種子深植於八識心田中,於是面 對任何境界所生起的都是未具我執的善心,這才是佛教的「大悲心」。


五毒心 大悲心 愛見大悲 轉念


This research first introduced the senior citizens' care service provided by the Jhong Hua Yao Shih Shan Lay Buddhists Association, and the internal struggles experienced by the volunteers during service. It was found that the volunteers were unable to give selfless and unattached care, but a kind of sentimental compassion adulterated with the Five Poisons-greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance and doubt, which lead to a sense of partiality, pride and attachment. In Buddhism, this mundane compassion is called ”Compassion with Attachment and Wrong Views.”The paper then discussed the ”Great Compassion” in Buddhism on five levels: first, the importance of the Great Compassion, second, the generation the Great Compassion, third, the practice of the Great Compassion, fourth, the nourishment of the Great Compassion, and fifth, the relationship between the Great Compassion and Emptiness. The discussion went on to make a comparison between the ”Great Compassion” and ”Compassion with Attachment and Wrong Views.”After realizing the true meaning of ”Compassion with Attachment and Wrong Views”, it is suggested that various kinds of attachment and wrong views can be ”transformed” by right knowledge.According to the teaching of Manjusri Bodhisattva in ”Purifying Practice” chapter of the Avatamsaka Sutra, arrogance can be transformed into impartiality, ignorance into altruism, greed into pure mind, doubt into faith and determination, and anger into diligence. By arousing ”altruistic” thoughts in daily life, seeds of virtue can be planted into the Eighth Consciousness. Encountering every situation with unattached benevolence is thus the true expression of the ”Great Compassion” in Buddhism.


