  • 期刊


Action research on promoting problem-solving skills of students with autism through hands-on technology activities




With the gradual spread of inclusive education, there are many pan-autistic students in regular classes, but their physical and mental characteristics lead to repeated frustration when they encounter problems. Among the core literacies of 12-year Basic Education, the importance of problem-solving skills is emphasized. In order to develop problem-solving skills in students with autism, this study utilized a hands-on technology-related curriculum to guide students in exploring and solving problems they encounter and applying the experience to their lives. The researcher designed a 6-week hands-on activity curriculum under the title "I am the best at problem-solving." In the classroom, horizontal tasks were designed with the theme of "designing a rock-throwing machine" to address the characteristics of students with autism. In this way, it is expected to propose a hands-on technology curriculum that helps to improve the problem-solving skills of students with autism.


autism Hands-on problem-solving skills
