  • 會議論文


The Study of Web-based Instructional Strategies and Methods for Developing Students' Appreciative, Expressive, and Creative Abilities in Science and Living Technology Curriculum


本研究旨在探討適合培養國术中小學學生「欣賞、表現與創新」能力的網路教學策略與機制,提供國中小學自然與生活科技教師做爲培養學生基本能力的網路教學參考。 研究採用文獻探討、專家座談及問卷調查法,以國民中小學「自然與生活科技」課程教師及資訊專長教師爲主要調查對象。依專家建議作爲取樣之方式;由專家建議的國教輔導團資訊教育領域團員、自然與生活科技領域團員、工業科技教育學系研究所博碩士生及高雄市資訊教育推廣中心成員。共發出問卷36份,回收30份,回收率達85.7%,之後以比較平均數法進行分析。 經本研究結果發現適合在國中小學各年級使用的網路教學策略依序有「主題教學」、「啓發思考」、「創造思考」、「欣賞教學」、「擴得思考」及「合作教學」等。適合在各年級中使用的網路教學機制依序有「多媒體網頁」與「網頁軟體」,另外除了一二年級等低年級不適合使用以上的網路教學機制及工具以外其餘的各年級皆適合使用以上所列的網路教學機制及工具。


This study was an attempt to find out the proper strategies and methods that teachers in elementary and junior high schools might apply on the web-based teaching and learning. This paper could be regarded as referential information. With this, teachers could train students to develop the appreciative, expressive and creative abilities. After analysing the literature and the expert‘s conversazione, the questionnaire was developed for the main subject of study that included the teachers who specialize in information technology and the teachers who taught the curriculum of Scicnce and Living-technology in elementary and junior high schools. Thirty five questionnarires were mailed out to collect data and thirty of them were returned with a 85.7% return rate. With the questionnaire and the expert‘s conversazione, the most appropriate instructional strategies and methods for web-based insturction to develop the students abilities of appreciation, expressive, and creative were explored. The main findings were: To the field of science and living technology in elementary and junior high schools, the proper teaching strategies or methods for developing students' appreciative, expressive, and creative abilities could be listed in sequence as: theme teaching, heuristic thinking, creative thinking, appreciative teaching, and CORT thinking methods. The proper web mechanisms were multimedia webpage and webpage developing software. The finding indicated that the above web-based instructional methods were appropriate to all the grade levels of the students, except the Grade 1 to Grade 2 junior levels pupils.
