  • 會議論文


e-Learning effectiveness-case Study Meiho Institute of Technology


在新知識經濟時代,網際網路的蓬勃發展,帶動網路學習(Web-based learning)的順利推行,使得網路學習迅速的發展逐漸轉變爲一個重要遠距教學方式。大學是培育學生建立自主參與學習活動的搖籃,以網路這個媒體來說,除了可以讓學生在不受時間與空間的限制下,進行各種網路資源的搜尋之外,還可以進行學習活動。教師與學生採用數位化教材學習,是資訊科技融入學科教學的基礎,由於遠距學習的學習情境是師生分離,須透過資訊科技的輔助來完成師生群體互動與溝通學習的目地;所以一個良好的網路學習環境,必須能同時滿足教師與學生需求,同時並兼顧網路教室與線上教材的安排,才能增強學習效果。


Because 2/3 of class lecture and activities for distant learning at Mei Ho Institute of Technology (MIT) is presented through the e-Learning platform, students' active participating the class on-line is the key to a successful learning experience. The use of the mechanism of e-Learning platform system to monitor learning patterns of students aims to assist students and instructors to form a self-study learning structure. This paper is to address the development of MIT's distant learning courses and to examine the results of the courses in terms of learning effectiveness. The method used is Technology Acceptance Mode (TAM) and samples are teachers and students participating in distance learning courses. Research framework is: set external factors (1) contents of the materials, (2) learning tutorial, (3) syllabus, and (4) teaching media as the independent variables and dependent variables are usefulness and ease of use. Then, set usefulness and ease of use as the independent variables and behavior intention as dependent variable to find out the connection amount them.
