  • 會議論文


A Study on the Practices and Implementation of "Water Resource Saving" Activities


科技教育活動首重動手操作的實務學習,以「節水」為生活科技教育活動的主題,是將生活科技運用在環境教育的一個創新概念。本研究針對節水科技教育活動的規劃設計與推廣的實務歷程進行分析探究,並評估此類節水教育活動的實際成效。研究問卷內容包含節水的「覺知」、「態度」以及「認知」等三個面向,經過成對樣本t檢定與單因子變異數分析,主要發現有下列三點: 1.參與活動學生的前後測問卷統計分析發現,學生對於學校用水系統的「覺知」、節水的「態度」以及「認知」等三個面向均有顯著的改變。 2.樣本學生中屏東縣學校的學生對於節水的「態度」的表現無論是前測或後測都顯著高於高雄縣的學生。 3.在參與過活動後,女生對於節水的「態度」明顯優於男生。


Both for technology and environmental education, it's an innovative idea to apply the ”water-saving” as the theme for living technology DIY activities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the aboriginal elementary school students' learning effects after participated in these activities. A pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire were conducted to examine the students' awareness, attitude and cognition to water-saving. This study also reviewed the developing processes and implementation of ”water-saving” DIY activities. Using t-test and ANOVA to analyze 201 pre-questionnaires, 191 post-questionnaires and 175 grouped questionnaires, the major findings of this study suggested that: 1. There were obvious changes to water-saving concepts including awareness, attitude and cognition for students who participating in these activities. 2. Comparing with Kaohsiung County, the students from Pintung County had obviously better attitude toward water-saving both on pre- and post-tests. 3. After these activities, girls had obviously positive attitudes toward water-saving.
