  • 會議論文


Learning Effectiveness of an Autobike-mechanics Profession Course with Learning Web-sites at the Vocational High School Level


本研究架構為:前-後測準實驗設計,研究工具包括:專業基礎能力量表、學習成就量表及使用學習型網站學後態度調查表。以國立旗山農工汽車科三年級學生32人為研究對象,實施為期四週十二小時的實驗教學。教學四週後實施「機車學:引擎電力系統」專業課程學習成就測驗,實驗組則增加學習型網站學後態度調查表測驗。所得結論如下: 一、就機車學專業課程學習成就的表現而言,使用學習型網站教學方式顯著優於傳統教學。 二、學生對於使用學習型網站教學的滿意程度屬「普通」程度,但認知、情意方面的總體表現皆屬中上。 三、「學習型網站」無法有效縮短學習時間,但可熟悉「上網學習」的模式,此學習形式可能是未來的學習主流之一。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning effectiveness of 'Autobike-mechanics” profession course with learning web-sites for vocational high school students. A quasi-posttests design was adopted for the study. Two groups of students participated in this study for four weeks. A pretest was given to both groups during the beginning of January 2008. After four weeks, the posttest of Autobike-mechanics professional course was administered. The posttest included an achievement test which include ”Autobike-mechanics: Engine Electrical System” knowledge test to investigate the student's cognitive abilities. The posttest for the experimental group was added a post-study-questionnaire of satisfaction investigation. The major results can be drawn as follows: 1. According to students' knowledge posttest performances, students taught by learning websites can perform better than those taught by traditional teaching strategy. 2. The post-learning evaluation reveals that students consider the learning web-sites learning strategy is general for learning. 3. Learning web-sites learning type can't shorten learning time, but it can be familiar with ”ELearning” mode that may be a kind of learning of main trend in the futurelease.
