  • 學位論文


A Study on The Effect of Learning Motivation, Learning Attitude and Learning Strategies on Learning Effectiveness - A Case Study Based on ERP Course of A University

指導教授 : 陳皆成
共同指導教授 : 李慶忠


企業資源規劃(簡稱ERP)能讓企業的作業流程、資源運用及企業資訊整合,以便控管財務、人力及生產等系統。因ERP是一個龐大且繁雜的應用系統,如果能從學校的教學單位來推動、訓練及教導學生,讓學生瞭解ERP的相關知識並學習系統的操作流程與步驟,如此便可提升學生在未來職場上的競爭力。學生的學習成效是教學品質評估指標的重要項目,可以用來判斷學生的學習成果,並可做為教師改進教學和學生改善學習的重要依據。 本研究依據文獻探討的結果做為基礎,建立研究架構及設計問卷,然後選定某科技大學修習ERP課程的學生進行調查訪問,以探討學習動機、學習態度與學習策略對於學習成效之影響,並且探討不同背景的受訪者在各個構面是否存在顯著差異?本研究總共蒐集到205份有效問卷,透過SPSS統計工具,進行皮爾森相關分析、迴歸分析及ANOVA差異分析。 研究結果顯示:(1)大部份的修課學生對於ERP課程的「學習成效」都感到滿意與認同。(2)學生的「學習動機」會顯著的正向的影響「學習態度」。(3)學生的「學習態度」會顯著的正向的影響「學習策略」。(4)學生的「學習動機」、「學習策略」及「學習態度」,會顯著的正向影響「學習成效」。(5)不同背景的受訪者,對於學習動機、學習態度、學習策略及學習成效,有部份存在顯著差異。本研究成果可以提供學校教學上的參考,輔導學生確立學習動機,養成良好的學習態度,擬定適當的學習策略,如此便可以有效的提升學習成效。


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) enables an enterprise's operation process, resource utilization and enterprise information integration to control finance, human resources and production. The ERP system is a huge and complex application system. If we can guide and train students through school teaching, let them understand ERP-related knowledge and learn the operation process of the ERP system, so as to improve students' competitiveness in the future workplace. The students' learning effectiveness is an important indicator in the evaluation of teaching quality, which can be used to judge students' learning outcomes and can be used as an important basis for teachers to improve teaching and for students to improve their learning. This study designed a questionnaire based on the results of the literature survey and toke a case study based on ERP course of a University, in order to explore the effect of learning motivation, learning attitude and learning strategies on learning effectiveness. And then explore whether participants of different backgrounds would have significant differences in different dimensions. A total of 205 participants were surveyed and data were collected in this study. Through SPSS statistical tools, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, regression analysis, and ANOVA analysis were performed. The results reveal the facts that: (1) Most of the students in the course are satisfied with the learning effectiveness of the ERP course. (2) The students'“learning motivation” can significantly affect “learning attitude”. (3) The students'“learning attitude” can significantly affect “learning strategies”. (4) The students'“learning motivation”, “learning strategies”and “learning attitude” can significantly affect “learning effectiveness”. (5) Participants of different backgrounds have some significant differences in different dimensions. The results of this study will provide as an important reference for school teaching, help students establish learning motivation, develop a good learning attitude, and formulate appropriate learning strategies, so that learning effectiveness can be improved.


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