  • 會議論文


The Explore of the Problems Which Happened When Senior High Schools Execute the Material Technology Curriculum


本研究採用訪談法,擬定半結構式訪談大綱,對於規劃並發展「材料科技奠基課程」高中學校之四位授課教師進行訪談,以探討高中實行材料科技奠基課程所面臨之困難以及未來推廣課程時因應策略。研究結果如下: 一、教師擔心自身專業知識不足;也因為過去師範教育缺乏課程設計的訓練,對於課程實施的過程中造成了阻礙,因此應進一步對於教師之材料知識與課程設計能力給與支援,使教師能具備實施課程的能力。 二、材料科技課程採用之實驗設備、材料昂貴,對於一般中學來說,是較大的負擔。建議未來可以採用各校間資源共享的方式,以有效運用經費。 三、高一學生先備知識不足乃是教師們實施材料課程時所必然面臨的問題,因此教師在授課時必須適時加以說明,補足學生所需之先備知識、並多加引導,以免造成學生對於學科的恐懼感。 四、因材料科技課程非高中之正式課程,難以排出固定且充夠的時間授課,降低了學生學習的成效。建議有關單位在未來推行新課程時,能建立課程之地位,以利新課程的落實。 五、新課程授課方式與一般高中教師授課習慣不同,恐影響教師接納新課程的意願。建議在未來推行時辦理研習,由種子教師進行經驗傳承,使教師們瞭解新課程的授課內容及其對於學生的幫助,增加教師接受意願。


To explore the problems which happened when senior high schools execute the material technology curriculum and to find the coping strategies to popularize the curriculum, this study implemented semi-structured interview for four senior high school teacher who taught the new curriculum. The conclusions of this study were shown as below: 1. Teachers worried about the lack of the knowledge of material technology and the curriculum design abilities. 2. The equipment and materials used in the curriculum are to expensive for senior high school. Sharing resources should be the coping strategy. 3. Because the lack of the prior knowledge, it is not easy for the first-year high school students to learn the material technology curriculum. Teachers should teach the 4. Because the material technology curriculum is not the formal curriculum, it is hard for senior schools to arrange enough classes. The authorities should establish the status of curriculum when popularize the curriculum. 5. Because there are some differences teaching methods between the old and new curriculum, the authorities should hold propagandizing actions to increase the teachers' will to accept.
