  • 會議論文


Analysis of Knowledge Management Based Web Teaching Portfolio Modules


為了讓學習者將在學校所學的知識活用在未來的職場當中,以及讓學校的教師能真正以學生為核心主體,讓學生從日常與學校老師的互動活動經驗中產生學習機制,將學習經驗轉換成有用的知識,進而應用知識創造新知識,老師扮演著相當重要的角色。 過去教師所使用的網路教學歷程檔案,絕大多數仍由一般網站所建構而成,缺乏彈性、有效搜尋內容達到資訊分享、知識轉移、以及創新知識的知識管理要求。歸納其主要因有:缺乏知識管理理論基礎的支持、有效整合教師需求的網路平台。 本研究的主要目的在於分析及論述一個以知識管理理論為策略應用的網路教學歷程檔案模組,做為後續網路教學歷程檔案平台發展的重要參考依據。 研究首先針對教學歷程檔案、知識管理理論、以及知識管理教學模式等相關文獻探討的前置研究成果,進一步深入探討策略模式相關理論的基本意涵、功能、及特性,進而分析及論述一個以知識管理為基礎的網路教學歷程檔案模組。


Teachers have played a very important role on helping learners/students to put what they have learned from school into practice in the future workplace, and helping teachers to pay close attention to their students. Moreover, it is also important for students and teachers to form a mutual studying mechanism from their daily activity experiences and turn this studying experience into useful knowledge and then even create new knowledge. The previous Web Teaching Portfolio used by teachers were mostly set up by normal websites which lacked flexibility, effective searching contents and can hardly reach information sharing, knowledge transforming and the demands of the creations of new knowledge. What caused this situation is because of the lack of Theory of Knowledge Management and an effective platform to integrate teachers overall demands. The main goal of this study is to analyze and describe a Web Teaching Portfolio Module based on Knowledge Management Theory. Its result will be taken seriously on the later development of Web Teaching Portfolio Platform. This study begins by exploring the relevant references such as Teaching Portfolio, knowledge Management Theory, Knowledge Management Teaching Module and Professional Knowledge Management Platform. By taking a close look at Web Teaching Portfolio Model basic functions, and properties, we will then be able to analyze and describe a Web Teaching Portfolio Module based on Knowledge Management.


Knowledge Web Teaching Portfolio Teaching Modules
