  • 會議論文


The Study of Instruction Design for Social Network Teaching Platform




Most of computer teaching platform have the basic e-learning functions such as for teachers to upload teaching material and for students to hand in their assignment Due to this very limited usage, it is obvious that it is not sufficient in adapting new technology in this century, when it is necessary to easily retrieve information from the Internet. Thus, in this study, will mainly be focusing on the social network, to study its function, creating a versatile teachihng-social network and analyzing the process and result. The researchers will use UML (Unified Modeling Language) in researching of the relationship between the social network and academic teaching platform. The researchers are aiming to creating a teaching-social network and then put it to be used by students and teachers. This new network can be used to invite others to participate and to share information and with websites linked within the network. After the teaching-social network is put to used, the researchers will conduct a study to review how the reactions of students and teachers who will be involved in this study and later present the result of their participation to the public. In conclusion, all these study and activities above are hoping to stimulate new thinking for future teaching-social network creativities that will make better learning and more creative teaching.
