  • 期刊


Evaluation of Learning Effectiveness of Integrating Narrative Training into Commercial Courses


本文旨在研究培訓敘事能力方面的學習成效,研究者為南部某大學的教師,以該校行銷系大三學生為研究對象。該班「創新與創業概論」課程中佐以敘事能力的培訓,特別是在產品解說方面的訓練;而「商店規劃與設計」未特別強調敘事能力的教學目標,只著重商店規劃。統計結果顯示:「創新與創業概論」課程學生經一學期共同磨練表達技巧, 相互觀摩與合作學習,培養「口語溝通能力」,其學期初和學期末的問卷評量比較發現學生對敘事力的自覺和訓練成效都有顯著進步;「商店規劃與設計」課程因未有敘事溝通之活動設計,在此方面成效不彰。


This article aims to study the learning effectiveness of training narrative ability. The researcher is a teacher in a university in southern Taiwan, and the junior students in the marketing department of that university are the research subjects. The course "Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship" is supplemented by narrative training, especially in product explanation; while "Store Planning and Design" does not specifically emphasize the teaching objectives of narration, focusing only on store planning. The statistical results show that: students in the "Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship" course hone their expression skills, observe and cooperate with each other, and cultivate colloquial communication skills. The comparison of questionnaire evaluations at the beginning and end of the semester reveals that students' consciousness of narrative ability and training effectiveness have been significantly improved; the "Store Planning and Design" course has not achieved effective results in this aspect due to the lack of narrative communication activity design.
